The Funny Life of Sharks
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Written by James Campbell | Illustrated by Rob Jones
Take a deep dive into the ridiculously funny life of sharks (and some things that have nothing to do with sharks but are still splendidly funny) according to James Campbell, comedian extraordinaire.
This face-achingly funny book will also teach you about great white sharks, tiger sharks and hammerhead sharks, just how incredibly old sharks are, and why sharks are SO important for the environment and how to look after them.
So, whether you're seriously afraid of sharks or love them so much you want to invite a shark to your next birthday party, this HILARIOUS book is for you. Prepare to roll around the floor laughing with the snot-inducingly brilliant The Funny Life of Sharks, with side-splittingly funny illustrations from Rob Jones.
Take a deep dive into the ridiculously funny life of sharks (and some things that have nothing to do with sharks but are still splendidly funny) according to James Campbell, comedian extraordinaire.
This face-achingly funny book will also teach you about great white sharks, tiger sharks and hammerhead sharks, just how incredibly old sharks are, and why sharks are SO important for the environment and how to look after them.
So, whether you're seriously afraid of sharks or love them so much you want to invite a shark to your next birthday party, this HILARIOUS book is for you. Prepare to roll around the floor laughing with the snot-inducingly brilliant The Funny Life of Sharks, with side-splittingly funny illustrations from Rob Jones.