Jetty Jumping
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Written by Andrea Rowe | Illustrated by Hannah Sommerville
While Milla’s friends take big, brave jumps off the jetty, Milla stays on the blistering wood, scared of what lurks below. But when Milla accidentally falls off the edge, she discovers the beauty of the deep, dark sea – and her summer changes forever.
Andrea Rowe and Hannah Sommerville perfectly capture the challenges of childhood – and the joy of letting go – in this homage to summer.
While Milla’s friends take big, brave jumps off the jetty, Milla stays on the blistering wood, scared of what lurks below. But when Milla accidentally falls off the edge, she discovers the beauty of the deep, dark sea – and her summer changes forever.
Andrea Rowe and Hannah Sommerville perfectly capture the challenges of childhood – and the joy of letting go – in this homage to summer.